Reddit final fantasy vii remake
Reddit final fantasy vii remake

reddit final fantasy vii remake

Cloud is a Mighty Glacier, unleashing powerful but slow attacks on enemies, and his unique mechanic lets him use Punisher Mode to decrease his movement speed for a boost in damage output and countering blocked melee attacks.

reddit final fantasy vii remake

An Adventurer Is You: Each of the four playable characters has a distinct role in battle, reflected in their unique mechanics and weapon types:.Adaptational Heroism: More like adaptational lack of Anti-Heroism, but, as opposed to the initial Bombing Run involving the reactor being destroyed by Avalanche's bomb, it only destroyed that smaller one inside, with the entire reactor's destruction being Shinra framing them.Another display is how while in the previous game it took the entire party together to defeat Sephiroth, this time 4 of them are already enough to fight and push him to a corner. Likewise, speaking of which, while it's argued that being able to beat Safer Sephiroth at the end of the original suggests they can take down a being that can destroy a solar system (since his limit break, Supernova, involves the illusory destruction of the Solar System), by taking down the Arbiters of Fate, within the first fourth to third of the story, as at least one parody put it, they basically beat destiny itself.


This upgrade in the heroes' fighting prowess eventually becomes a plot point, as defeating the all-powerful Arbiters of Fate opens up the future for the protagonists to overcome problems they couldn't before. For example, Reno from the original game's Sector 7 plate showdown managed to hold off Cloud, Barret and Tifa all by himself and even left under his own power, whereas in the remake, he not only has to rely on Rude for backup, but gets beaten up so badly that he has to be carried out by the end of the encounter.

  • Adaptational Badass: Cloud and company are noticeably a lot stronger from the start, able to fight at levels that go far beyond what their 1997 selves were capable of around the same time frame.

  • Reddit final fantasy vii remake